Why You Need A Mentor Who Isn’t Your Boss

Your boss can see your potential as well as any areas of opportunity and can help you succeed in the workplace, and many do. But who is checking for your boss’ blind spots?

While your boss wants you and your department to succeed, if you leave, even to another division within the organization, replacing you is expensive and a great deal of work.

A successor needs to be recruited, has a steep learning curve, and may not know the culture of the organization. If your successor doesn’t arrive before you leave, your boss may need to pick up the slack, train the new person, and simply manage one more thing in their growing list of obligations.

Subconsciously, and without ill intent, your boss might be stopping you from moving ahead by not effectively mentoring and sponsoring you for opportunities.

To read this article in detail….visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthgotian/2020/10/16/why-your-boss-shouldnt-be-your-mentor/?sh=3a3b72587057

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