Hitting the Nail on Networking

Hitting the Nail on Networking

Have you ever wondered why there is so much hype around the world on studying abroad? What’s more to it than settling abroad or getting a better job when similar opportunities exist at home? Why do millions of students from around the world spend money to go to strange unknown places, completely out of their comfort zones where a thousand things could go wrong?

Well, because there is one thing that is guaranteed to go right- Study abroad is going to be the easiest, fastest and most efficient way of expanding your network to an international level. Networking is when you make contacts for substantial mutual benefits at a professional or sometimes personal level. Today, it has become the most important ingredient to success.

Global Citizenship

When you go for a study abroad program, you get to connect through commonalities with fellow students from all over the world; you also get the chance to learn from industry experts and professionals from your field in the host university. Some of these people could be meaningful contacts and a source of valuable information and advice in later life.

It will also provide you with a richer experience blurring out the borders and expanding your perspective to truly inculcating Global Citizenship.

When you head back home or any other direction after completion of the program, you could harness the power of these contacts, and reap or provide professional benefits whenever the circumstances demand.

Sometimes, your dream job opening might not be announced publicly, but with contacts who know you and potential employers, getting a recommendation can give your career a tremendous boost.

Or if you travel to a new place, having a friend there from your time during studies abroad, can make the trip a lifetime-memory.

Networking your way into the Global Market

Here are few tips on how to network if you have decided to study abroad:

Once you have chosen to step out of the geographical borders, the next immediate thing to overcome is the psychological border. It’s time you stopped feeling awkward while making small talk or approaching anyone in general. There is no right or wrong way to approach someone as long as you are respectful. You will either walk away with a lesson or a connection. Simple.

Start marketing yourself, your skills, plans and achievements. Whether you are into writing, journalism, coding or painting, you need to brand your work on popular platforms like linkedIn, facebook etc. Have a website? Make sure everyone knows about it. The more your presence is visible internationally, the more likely it is for the right people to find you at the right time.

Funnel down your career goals; find out where you belong in your industry and snowball all the information you can get your hands on. Experiment with different works to find where you could deliver value. If you are into civil engineering, see if you like construction or geotechnics or something else. Once you know what you want, it becomes easier for the world to offer you the same.

And also, when you do make contacts, make it a priority to maintain and even deepen the key relationships, keep yourself updated on them and them updated on you.

Expect the Unexpected

Networking will make you globally employable and give you friends for life. It might not come off naturally to you at first, but practice makes permanent. Religiously commit yourself to making bonds. You never know you might end up somewhere amazing, somewhere you never expected because of these links!